Diwali is the most significant festival in the Hindu religion and the general calendar. It is known as the ‘Festival of Lights’ and is supposed to bring prosperity, light, and financial blessings to all of us. The lighted diyas illuminate the environment and destroy ignorance. But amid all this revelry in metropolitan cities like Mumbai, there have been numerous complaints made by home attendant for elderly in mumbai. The reason is that there is incessant bursting of crackers which leads to very high noise pollution. So people who are old or are suffering from any kind of afflictions dislike crackers.

There is a scientific explanation as to why you should avoid bursting crackers. caretaker for elderly in mumbai, often complain that their patients face a great deal of difficulty in breathing at night while sleeping. This is because crackers have toxic compounds like cadmium and copper and consequently due to weather change, these particles and other toxic substances often mix with fog and smog leading to bronchitis, asthma attacks, symptoms of allergic arthritis consisting of headaches, and the common cold. The situation is aggravated by smog which is caused due to suspension of particles in the air for a long time.
The authorities have launched many movements in recent years like Eco-friendly Ganesh Chaturthi and waterless Holi. The latest fad is Green Diwali. In Green Diwali, the festival is celebrated with minimum damage to the environment. When loud crackers are burst, pollution in the country goes up to dangerous levels and leads to a lot of discomfort to senior people. This has been a common complaint from caretaker for senior citizens in mumbai. In Mumbai loads of asthma cases are being reported daily and leading to catastrophe. Now let us ensure that all of us take certain steps for making Diwali truly green.
1. Use earthen Diyas for decoration.
As far as possible you must abstain from using cheap plastic lights and opt for handmade diyas and lamps. You can contribute greatly to social causes.